Working Hours

Company Work Hours

To view or update your company work hours, click the Settings tab and then click Company. At the bottom of the Company Settings page, you can update company work hours by adjusting the starting and ending hours. You can also select whether you would like company working hours to include weekends by checking or unchecking the Weekends box.

Be sure to click Save after making changes to finalize any updates!

NOTE: Company Work Hours can be viewed by the customer within the Customer Portal once a job has been added or accepted.

Technician Working Hours

To view or update a technician's work hours, click the  Settings tab and then click Team.  From there, you can click on a technician and select the Working Hours tab to adjust their availability.

When a technician is marked as unavailable for a day of the week, their name will not show via the Day View within the Calendar via the schedule page. However, a technician with specific Work Hours will show across all days if the Week View is used. For more info on Day and Week views, check out our Schedule Settings: Preferred View article.

NOTE: if a technician is marked as unavailable for a certain day, they can still be manually assigned to an appointment for that day.

In addition, Dispatchers can add a note to a technician's working hours for future reference.

Once the appropriate changes have been made to a technician's working hours, please click Save to confirm the changes!

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